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2014年1月-2016 年9月 美国环保总署(U.S.EPA) 供水与水资源分处 博士后研究员

2008年9月-2014年1月 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta) 土木与环境工程学院 环境工程 工学博士

2007年9月-2008年8月 同济大学 菠菜资源平台大全 市政工程 助教助研

2004年9月-2007年6月 湖南大学 土木工程学院 市政工程 工学硕士 (免试推荐硕士)

2000年9月-2004年6月 湖南大学 土木工程学院 给水排水工程 工学学士







1. 水环境联合会 (Water Environmental Federation) 会员

2. 大气与废弃物管理协会 (Air and Waste Management Association) 会员

3. 国际水协 (International Water Association) 会员

4. 美国水质协会 (American Water Works Association) 会员

5. 美国国家环保总署辛辛那提研究员协会 (Network of Cincinnati Environmental Protection Agency Trainee) 会员

6. 《当代化工研究》期刊编委,Frontiers in Water 评审编辑,苏州市环保产业协会专家委员会委员,江西省科技专家库专家,国家自然科学基金评议专家, SCI期刊Journal of Environmental Management,Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science,Environmental Technology,and Separation and Purification Technology审稿人



1. 张鹏; 刘宏*; 陈厚望; 叶仕青; 陈猛; 杨留留。响应曲面法优化树脂吸附2-氨基-4-乙酰氨基苯甲醚。2021, 41(6).工业水处理。

2. 陈厚望; 刘宏*; 张鹏; 杨留留; 陈猛。Ag3PO4/AgI光催化剂的制备及降解2-氨基-4-乙酰氨基苯甲醚机理。2021, 40(8).化工进展。

3. 杨留留; 刘宏*; 陈厚望; 陈猛; 张鹏。漂浮型BiOCl0.6I0.4/GO 光催化剂的制备及其除藻性能。2021, 41(10).中国环境科学。

4. 刘宏*; 陈猛; 张鹏杨留留陈厚望王利刚。响应面优化氧化锌催化超声降解十二烷基苯磺酸钠。2021, 工业水处理,已接收。

5. 刘宏*; 倪静; 叶仕青。金属锑对活性污泥法去除印染废水中COD和氨氮的影响研究。2021, 工业水处理,已接收。

6. Liu, H*; Yang L. L; Chen, H.W; Chen, M; Zhang, P; Ding, N. Preparation of floating BiOCl0.6I0.4/ZnO photocatalyst and its inactivation of Microcystis aeruginosa under visible light. 2021, Journal of Environmental Science. Accepted.

7. Liu, H*; Zhang, P; Chen, H. W; Ding, N; Ni, J. Study on the Degradation Mechanism of 2-Amino-4-Acetaminoanisole from Wastewater by Nano-Fe3O4 Catalyzed Heterogeneous Fenton System. 2021, Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Accepted.

8. Liu, H*; Nkundabose, J.P; Chen, H. W; Chen M; Ding, N. Decontamination of Ibuprofen Micropollutants from Water Based on Visible-light-responsive Hybrid Photocatalyst. 2021, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Accepted.

9. Ding, N.; Peng C.; and Liu, H. et al. Improving dewaterbility and other properties of citric acid wastewater treatment sludge by ozone and peroxone. 2020, 42(1):3-12. Ozone: Science and Engineering. SCI

10. Liu, X.; Liu, H*.; Ding, N. Chloramine disinfection-induced nitrification activities and their potential public health risk indications within deposits of a drinking water supply system. 2020, 17(3), 772. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. SCI.

11. Liu, H.; Wahman, D.; Pressman, J. Penetration and activity of monochloramine and free chlorine in sediment from drinking water storage tank. Environmental Science and Technology. 2019, 53(16): 9352-9360. SCI.

12. Liu, X.; Ding, N.; Liu, H*.; Chen, H.W. Assessment of PCB-contaminated soil pretreatment remediation by Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD). Archives of Environmental Protection. 2020, 46(1): 53-61. SCI.

13. Ding, N.; Peng C.; Ren, Y. X; Liu, Y.; Wang, P.; Dong, L.M.; Liu, H.; Wang, D. Improving the dewaterability of citric acid wastewater sludge by fenton treatment. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 196:739-746. SCI.

14. Liu, H.; Geng, J.Q. Influencing factors on cyclodextrin eluting of Aroclor 1242 from soil. Journal of Hebei Geology University (Chinese). 2017, 5:112-115. 中文期刊.

15. Liu, H.; Tan, S.; Yu, T.; Liu, Y. Sulfate reducing bacterial community and in situ activity in mature fine tailings analyzed by real time qPCR and microsensor. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2016, 44(6):141-147. SCI.

16. Liu, H.; Yu, T.; Liu, Y. Sulfate reducing bacteria and their activities in oil sands process-affected water biofilm. Science of the Total Environment. 2015, 536 (1): 116-122. SCI.

17. Liu, H.; Tan, S.; Sheng, Z.; Yu, T.; Liu, Y. Impact of oxygen on the co-existence of nitrification, denitrification, and sulfate reduction in oxygen based membrane aerated biofilm. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 2015, 61(3): 237-242. SCI.

18. Liu, H.; Tan, S.; Sheng, Z.; Liu, Y.; Yu, T. Bacterial community structure and activity of sulfate reducing bacteria in a membrane aerated biofilm analyzed by microsensor and molecular techniques. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2014, 1111(11): 2155-2162. SCI.

19. Sharma, K.; Liu, H.; Lau, BLT.; Li, J.; Yu, T.; Liu, Y. Biological fixed film systems. Water Environment Research. 2009, 82(10):1124-1158. SCI.

20. Josyula, K.; Liu, H.; Liang, J.M.; R.; Sheng, Z.Y.; Liu, Y. Biological fixed film systems. Water Environment Research. 2009, 81(10):1194-1216. SCI.

21. Liu, H.; Shi, Z.; Sun, Q.; Gao, N. Promotion of HP-Beta-CD on washing of aroclor1242 from soil. The 2nd ICBBE. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. Shanghai, China. May 16-18, 2008. EI.

22. Wang, W.; Gao, N.; Liu, H.; Wang, Y. Research progress of powder activated carbon on drinking water treatment. Sichuan Environment. 2008, 27(10): 84-88.


1. Liu, H., Shi, Z., Sun, Q., Gao, N.Y. Promotion of hydroxypropyl-beta- cyclodextrin (HPCD) on Washing of Aroclor1242 from Soil. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. ICBBE 2008: 4121-4124. Shanghai, China. May 2008. Doi: 10.1109/ICBBE.2008.531.

2. Liu, H.; Tan, S.; Sheng, Z.; Liu, Y.; Yu, T. Microsensors for investigating microbial activities of multispecies biofilm in biological reactor treating oil sands tailings water. International Symposium on Applied Microbiology and Molecular Biology in Oil Systems ISMOS-3. Calgary, Canada. June 13-15, 2011.

3. Liu, H.; Tan, S.; Sheng, Z.; Liu, Y.; Yu, T. Distribution and activity of sulfate reducing bacteria in membrane aerated biofilm analyzed by molecular techniques and microsensor measurements. IWA Biofilm Conference 2011: Processes in Biofilms. Shanghai, China. October 27-30, 2011.

4. Liu, H.; Tan, S.; Liu, Y.; Yu, T. Community structure, distribution and in situ activity of sulfate reducing bacteria in mature fine tailings analyzed by molecular techniques and microsensor measurements. The 7th China National PH.D Academic Conference. Beijing, China. October 16-19, 2013.

5. Liu, H.; Wahman, G.D.; Pressman, G.J. Microsensors investigation on the penetration and activity of monochloramine in sediment from drinking water storage tank . The Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition (AWWA). Indianapolis, USA. November 13-17, 2016.

6. Gomez-Alvarez, V.; Liu, H.; Lu, JR.; Revetta, P.R.; Wahman, G.D.; and Pressman, G. J. Microbial community analysis in water storage tank sediment exposed to monochloramine. The Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition (AWWA). Portland, OR, USA. November 15-19, 2017.



1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,27万,2017,已结题.

2. 江苏省双创博士(世界名校类)项目,15万,2017,在研主持.

3. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,10万,2018,已结题.

4. 北京工商大学中国轻工业清洁生产和资源综合利用重点实验室开放课题项目,2018,5万,已结题.

5. 宁夏工业园印染废水处置项目,8万,2018,在研主持.

6. 江苏省苏州市高新区创新创业领军人才项目,35万,2018,在研主持.

7. 江苏省苏州市民生科技项目,20万,2019,在研主持.

8. 江苏省苏州市环保科技项目,14 万,2019,已结题.


刘宏,海外市级,2011年2月,加拿大埃德蒙顿市政府研究与创新废弃物管理中心 (City of Edmonton Renovation & Innovation City of Edmonton: Waste Management Centre of Excellence) 工业界年度杰出项目完成奖

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