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参加过美国NASA、美国国家能源部、国防部等重大项目,拥有美国联邦和州政府颁发的多个环评与检测资质。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、江苏省自然科学基金面上面目2项,在Water Res., J. Hazard. Mater., Chem. Eng. J., Sci. Total Environ.等期刊发表60篇SCI论文,申请国家发明专利12项。获得江苏省高校科学技术研究成果二等奖等。


1993-1997西北农林科技大学 本科

1997-2000中科院生态环境研究中心与西北农林科技大学 联合培养硕士

2002-2005美国史蒂文斯理工学院(Stevens Institute of Technology)博士





现为中国土壤学会土壤污染防治与修复专业委员会委员、苏州市化学化工协会委员、苏州市欧美同学会理事等。为Environ. Sci. Technol., Water Res., J. Hazard. Mater., Chem. Eng. J., Sci. Total Environ.等期刊审稿专家,担任最全菠菜论坛学报(自然科学版)副主编。


1.Yao, Z.; Wang, D.;Xu, N.*; Du, C.; Feng, Y.; Qi, Y. Phosphate and humic acid inhibit corrosion of green-synthesized nano-iron particles to remove Cr(VI) and facilitate their cotransport.Chem. Eng. J.2022, 450, 136415.

2.Jing, P.; Peng, L.;Xu, N.*; Feng, Y.; Liu, X. Escherichia coli and phosphate interplay mediates transport of nanoscale zero-valent iron synthesized by green tea in water-saturated porous media.Colloid Surface B2022, 19, 112783.

3.Du, C.;Xu, N.*; Yao, Z.; Bai, X.; Gao, Y.; Peng, L.; Gu, B.; Zhao, J.* Mechanistic insights into Sulfate and Phosphate Mediated the Dissolution of Nano-zero-valent Iron Wrapped by Tea Polyphenols for Hexavalent Chromium Removal.Sci. Total Environ.2022, 850, 157996.

4.Chen, M.; Chen, X.; Xu, X.*; Xu, Z.; Zhang,Y.; Song, B.; Tsang, D. C.W.;Xu, N.; Cao, X. Biochar colloids facilitate transport and transformation of Cr(VI) in soil: Active site competition coupling with reduction reaction.J. Hazard. Mater.2022, 440,129691.

5.Yang, L.; Chen, M.; Li, D.;Xu, N.*; Chen, J.; Zhang, D. Transport of anatase and rutile titanium dioxide nanoparticles in soils in the presence of phosphate: mechanisms and numerical modeling.J. Soils Sediments2022,22(7), 1987-1998.

6.Qi, Y.; Yao, Z.; Ma, X.; Ding, X.; Shangguan, K.; Zhang, M.;Xu, N.* Ecological risk assessment for organophosphate esters in the surface water from the Bohai Sea of China using multimodal species sensitivity distributions.Sci. Total Environ.2022, 820, 153172.

7.Cheng, X.; Wang, S.;Xu, N.*; Yang, L.; Jing P.; Chen, J. Enhanced transport and chromium remediation of nano-zero valent iron modified by tea polyphenol extracts and carboxymethyl cellulose in water-soil media.J. Soils Sediments2022, 22,196-207.

8.Chen, M.; Wang, D.; Xu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Gui, X.; Song, B.;Xu, N.* Biochar nanoparticles with different pyrolysis temperatures mediate cadmium transport in water-saturated soils: Effects of ionic strength and humic acid.Sci. Total Environ.2022, 806, 150668.

9.Wang, F.; Peng, L.;Xu, N.*; Yao, Z.; Li, D.; Cheng, X. Enhanced phosphate removal from solution using Al-doped aragonite nanoparticles.Colloids and Surfaces A.2021, 630, 127638-127647.

10.Yang, J.; Wang, S.;Xu, N.*; Ye, Z.; Huangfu, X. Synthesis of montmorillonite-supported nanozero- valent iron via green tea extract: Enhanced transport and application for hexavalent chromium removal from water and soil.J. Hazard. Mater.2021, 419, 126461.

11.Ye, Z.;Xu, N.*; Li, D.; Qian, J.; Du, C.; Chen, M. Vitamin C mediates the activation of green tea extract to modify nanozero-valent iron composites: Enhanced transport in heterogeneous porous media and the removal of hexavalent chromium.J. Hazard. Mater.2021, 411, 125042.

12.Yang, H.; Ye, Z.; Feng, F.;Xu, N.*; Yang, J.; Yao, Z.; Li, Z.; Chen, J. Green-synthesized nanosize mont-supported Fe0via tea extract for enhanced transport and in situ remediation of Pb(II) in soil.J. Soils Sediments2021, 21: 2540-2550.

13.Xu, N. *; Li, Z.; Huangfu, X.; Cheng, X.; Christodoulatos, C.; Qian, J.; Chen, M.; Chen, J.; Su, C.; Wang, D. Facilitated transport of nTiO2-kaolin aggregates by bacteria and phosphate in water-saturated quartz sand.Sci. Total Environ.2020,713, 136589.

14.Huangfu, X.;Xu, N. *; Yang, J.; Yang, H.; Zhang, M.; Ye, Z.; Wang, S.; Chen, J. Transport and Retention of Hydrochar-Diatomite Nanoaggregates in Water-Saturated Porous Sand: Effect of Montmorillonite and Phosphate at Different Ionic Strengths and Solution pH.Sci. Total Environ.2020,703, 134487.

15.Zhang, M.; Li, D.; Ye, Z.; Wang, S.;Xu, N.*; Wang, F.; Liu, S.; Chen, J. Effect of Humic Acid on the Sedimentation and Transport of Nanoparticles Silica in Water-Saturated Porous Media.J. Soils Sediments2020, 20(2), 911-920.

16.Wang, S.; Li, D.; Zhang, M.; Chen, M.;Xu, N.*; Yang, J.; Chen, J.* Competition between Fulvic Acid and Phosphate Mediated Surface Transformation and Transport of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Sand Porous Media.J. Soils Sediments2020,20,3681-3687.

17.Yang, J.; Chen, M.; Yang, H.;Xu, N.*; Feng, G.; Li, Z.; Su, C.; Wang, D. Surface Heterogeneity Mediated Transport of Hydrochar Nanoparticles in Heterogeneous Porous Media.Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.2020, 27, 32842-32855.

18.Xu, N. *; Huangfu, X.; Li, Z.; Wu, Z.; Li, D.; Zhang, M. Nanoaggregates of silica with kaolinite and montmorillonite: sedimentation and transport.Sci. Total Environ.2019, 669, 893-902.

19.Chen, M.; Tao X.; Wang, D.; Xu, Z.; Xu, X.; Hu, X.;Xu, N.; Cao X. Facilitated transport of cadmium by biochar-Fe3O4nanocomposites in water-saturated natural soils.Sci. Total Environ.2019, 684, 265-275.

20.Xu, N. *; Cheng, X.; Wang, D.; Xu, X.; Huangfu, X.; Li, Z. Effects of Escherichia coli and phosphate on the transport of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in heterogeneous porous media.Water Research2018, 146, 264-274.

21.Chen, M.;Xu, N.*; Christodoulatos, C.; Wang, D. Synergistic effects of phosphorus and humic acid on the transport of anatase titanium dioxide nanoparticles in water-saturated porous media.Environ. Pollut.2018,2018, 243, 1368-1375.

22.Cheng, X.;Xu, N.*; Huangfu, X.; Zhou, X.; Zhang, M. Synergetic effect of hydrochar on the transport of anatase titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the presence of phosphate in saturated quartz sand.Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.2018, 25(29), 28864–28874.

23.Guo, P.;Xu, N.*; Li, D.; Huangfu, X.; Li, Z. Aggregation and transport of rutile titanium dioxide nanoparticles with montmorillonite and diatomite in the presence of phosphate in porous sand.Chemosphere2018, 204, 327-334.

24.Xu, N.*; Cheng X.; Zhou K.; Xu X.; Li Z.; Chen J.; Wang D.; Li D. Facilitated transport of titanium dioxide nanoparticles via hydrochars in the presence of ammonium in saturated sands: Effects of pH, ionic strength, and ionic composition.Sci. Total Environ.2018, 612, 1348-1357.

25.Chen, M.; Alim, N.; Zhang, Y.;Xu, N.; Cao, X. Contrasting effects of biochar nanoparticles on the retention and transport of phosphorus in acidic and alkaline soils.Environ. Pollut.2018, 239, 562-570.

26.Liu, C.;Xu, N.*; Feng G.; Zhou D.; Cheng X.; Li,Z.Hydrochars and phosphate enhancing the transport of nanoparticle silica in saturated sands.Chemosphere2017, 189, 213-223.

27.Xu, X.;Xu, N.*; Cheng, X.; Guo, P.; Chen, Z.; Wang, D. Transport and aggregation of rutile titanium dioxide nanoparticles in saturated porous media in the presence of ammonium.Chemosphere2017, 169, 9-17.

28.Chen M.; Wang, D.; Yang; F., Xu, X.;Xu, N.; Cao, X. Transport and retention of biochar nanoparticles in a paddy soil under environmentally-relevant solution chemistry conditions.Environ. Pollut.2017, 230, 540-549.

29.Xu, N.*; Wang, Y.; Xu, X.; Liu, C.; Qian, J.; Feng, G. Mechanisms and applications of the synthesized fusiform aragonite for the removal of high concentration of phosphate.Water Air Soil Poll.2016, 227(2), 1-11.

30. Chen, M.;Xu, N.*; Cao, X.; Chen, Z.; Zhou, K.; Wang, Y.; Liu, C. Facilitated transport of anatase titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the presence of phosphate in saturated sands.J. Colloid Interf. Sci.2015, 451,134-143.

31.Xu,N.*; Li, Y.; Zheng, L.; Gao, Y.; Yin, H.; Zhao, J.; Chen, Z.; Chen, J.; Chen M. Synthesis and application of magnesium amorphous calcium carbonate for removal of high concentration of phosphate.Chem. Eng. J.2014, 251, 102-110.

32.Xu,N.*; Chen, M.; Zhou, K.; Wang, Y.; Yin, H.; Chen, Z. Retention of phosphorus on calcite and dolomite: speciation and modeling.RSC Advances2014, 4, 335205-35214.

33.Xu,N.*; Yin, H.; Chen, Z.; Liu, S.; Chen, M.; Zhang. J. Mechanisms of phosphate retention by calcite: Effects of magnesium and pH.J. Soils Sediments2014, 14(3), 495-503.

34.Xu,N.*; Braida, W.; Christodoulatos, C.; Chen, J. A review of molybdenum adsorption in soils/bed sediments: speciation, mechanism and model applications.Soil and Sediment Contamination. 2013, 22(8), 912-929.













2016年“江苏省普通高等学校本专科优秀毕业论文 三等奖”指导教师;








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